2025 eMTB Competition Rules
Final Posted: 1.17.25
The following rules and regulations are solely applicable to Grand National Cross Country events. Please direct all questions and inquiries to Racer Productions, Inc. All decisions by Racer Productions are final.
- AMA membership is required in order to compete. A full year AMA membership is $49 and is required in order to pre-enter. A 1-time single event AMA membership is $20 and is available at the event only.
- Racer Age: The age of the racer is determined as of the date of the event. However, racers competing in a younger age division are not required to move to an older age division once they become eligible to do so.
- Class Requirements: Classes are assigned by skill level and age, i.e., Pro, Amateur and Youth. XC1, XC2 and XC3 are premier skill level classes. Age requirements are designated by brackets, i.e., (8-13), (16+), (40+), (55+), etc..
- Big Bore Class (200 lb+): Competitors must meet a minimum pre-race body weight of 200 pounds.
- Race/Course Length: Race length will be one hour with a minimum: 55 minutes, weather permitting. The course length will be 2.5-4 miles.
- Inclement Weather: Events may be conducted regardless of weather conditions. In the event of rain or other unfavorable conditions, it may be necessary to alter the order of the event schedule, including but not limited to, adjusting the length of the race or delaying or stopping the program completely. Should a delay occur, every effort will be made to resume the schedule in a timely fashion if conditions significantly improve.
- Pit Crews: Racers are responsible for the actions of their entire pit crew.
- Medical Protocol:
a. Racers are prohibited from receiving any type of intravenous hydration during or within 48-hours prior to competing in an event race, unless such hydration is deemed medically necessary by medical personnel as a result of an emergency medical situation (i.e., heat stroke) encountered by the racer during or as a result of participating in any race or other activity in the event.
b. Once a racer receives such hydration during or prior to competing in an event race, the racer will not be permitted to compete in any further event activities, including any race.
c. In any instance where a racer has experienced an apparent injury or when a racer is demonstrating apparent signs of physical distress, the racer may be instructed by the Race Director to immediately present themselves to the event medical personnel for evaluation.
d. In any instance where the event medical personnel have determined that a racer requires immediate follow-up treatment at a medical facility, the racer will be prohibited from further competition that day. Racers who have been informed of the need for immediate treatment beyond that which can be provided on-site shall either be provided transport by ambulance or proceed immediately by private transport or other means as appropriate to the suggested medical facility.
e. Any racer who sustains a concussion or loss of consciousness during an event shall be suspended from further competition until the racer can provide a medical release from their treating physical indicating that the racer has been medically cleared to resume competition. Although not required, racers are encouraged to complete an ImPACT Concussion Management Test prior to competition.
f. Medical Insurance: GNCC Racing does not provide medical insurance for competitors, and we urge you not to compete without it. Medical insurance is the sole responsibility of the competitor.
- Class 1: Pedal Assist Bicycles with an electric motor Peak Power of <=750 watts that provides motor assistance only when the racer is pedaling and only up to a speed of 20 mph. Approved Drive Units only. Bicycles must remain locked, i.e., no modification of wheel sensor from factory circumference or any other modification to manipulate the factory set speed of the bike.
- Production Rule: OEM drive unit and matching frame combination model required (matching year NOT required). Electric conversion kits and after-market frames are prohibited. Once qualified for the meet the bicycle’s frame may not be replaced.
- Drive Units: Current list of approved drive units: Bosch, Shimano, Panasonic, Yamaha, Brose and Dyname.
- Pedals must be fully operable.
- Throttle mechanisms are prohibited.
- Non-production electronic devices designed specifically for traction control are prohibited. This includes sensors that can determine front wheel speed and any electronic control to the brake systems.
- Cracked or broken handlebars are prohibited.
- Adequate and operating front and rear wheel brakes required.
- Studded tires are prohibited.
- A front number plate is required.
- No headphones, earphones or sound devises permitted. Horns and bells are permitted.
- Racers are required to wear an approved helmet at all times when riding a bicycle, including but not limited to practice sessions, qualifying sessions or while competing on course. The helmet must have a chin strap type “retention system”, be properly fastened, be of good fit and in good condition with no alterations and meet either the US DOT helmet standards or the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standard for bicycle helmets.
- Pants or shorts, shirts and shoes are required. Shoe clips are permitted.
- Body armor (i.e., knee pads, elbow pads, etc.) is recommended but not required.
- Goggles, face shields or other protective eyewear is optional and must be shatter resistant.
- All bicycles must pass a visual technical inspection no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the race. Bicycles may be tested by officials any time prior to, during or after the event. A bicycle that passes a pre-race inspection is subject to further inspection or protest at any time during the race program. A racer who refuses to turn over their bicycle for inspection or testing at the request of the Race Official is automatically disqualified from the program.
- Racers under the age of 18 must provide a photo I.D with proof of age upon request by an official and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at registration.
- Racers must register for the race before riding their bicycle anywhere and must always wear a helmet.
- Racers must obtain a GNCC approved transponder. GNCC utilizes Sport-Tag transponders only. Sport-Tag transponders can be purchased/rented at each event. For best results, mount the unit on the handlebars or front forks. Transponders have a 2-year battery life from the date printed on the unit. Once the unit fails to read at Tech Inspection, or exceeds the battery life, racers must purchase/rent a new unit.
- All bicycles and racer helmets must be taken through Technical Inspection prior to competing for the purpose of inspecting transponder function, helmet tag placement, number assignment, and contingency eligibility. Safety equipment and bicycle eligibility are the sole responsibility of the racer.
- Racers shall line up on their assigned Starting Row on a first come basis when directed by the race official. No one is permitted on the Start Line until authorized to do so. For the Snowshoe event only, a block of rows will be designated for each class. The Top 5 racers in class points will start on the first row assigned for their class. The remainder of the class will draw for Start Row assignment at registration. Rows will start one at a time.
- The Racers Meeting will be conducted on the Start Line before the start of each race. All racers are responsible for attending.
- Start Procedure: The following procedure will be used to start each class:
a. The blue flag will signal all racers that the race is about to commence;
b. 30 seconds later the Referee will extend his arm to signal “10 Seconds” before the start of the race.
c. At the “10 Seconds” signal, all crew members must step behind the racers and may have no physical contact with a racer or their bicycle until after the green flag is thrown.
d. Between 8 and 10 seconds, the green flag will be thrown, signaling the start of the race.
e. Rows will start approximately thirty (30) seconds apart, time permitting. - Racers taking off the start prior to the green flag signal or with the wrong row will be penalized.
- Racers missing the start of their class must enter the racecourse at the Start Line and complete the start chute.
- The bicycle a racer starts the race with is the official Bicycle of the racer for that event and may not be switched during the event.
- A GNCC course may include trails, footpaths, roads, hills, motocross tracks or any type of terrain which can be negotiated by a bicycle.
- The eMTB course will be marked with GREEN arrows on a WHITE
- Organized Practice: For Friday events, the course will be open to inspection on Thursday after 4 pm. For Saturday events, the course will be open to inspection on Friday after 3 pm, with an Organized Practice from 4-6 pm, commencing from the eMTB Start Line. Participants are permitted to walk or bicycle the course only.
- Marking, cutting, tampering with or otherwise changing the course in any manner is strictly prohibited. Course modifications may only be made by an official.
- No one, except officials and racers officially entered in the race program, may ride on the eMTB racecourse at any time during the eMTB race.
- Racers will be disqualified for riding a GNCC course during the 7 days prior to the Thursday before the event.
- Transponder scoring is the official scoring procedure for GNCC. All racers will be required to have a fully functioning transponder in order to compete. Transponders will be available for either purchase or rental at Racer Registration.
- The section from the Finish Line to the Finish Line checkpoint is a "No Passing" zone.
- Racers may not be serviced or pitted in the area between the Finish Line and the Finish Line checkpoint or in the area immediately after the Finish Line checkpoint.
- Racers must remain on the marked course. The marked course is within 10 feet of race arrows. However, racers must stay within the confines of the following markers: Double Striped Placards posted on both sides of the trail, ribbons, signs, stakes, hay bales, barrels, motocross track, grass track, etc..
- Racers encountering a traffic jam or bottleneck may go more than 10 feet off the course to get around the bottleneck only. However, the racer must re-enter the course as soon as possible, and upon approaching this section the next lap, must ride the original arrowed section if the track is clear. If the original marking devices are knocked down, the racer must stay on the original marked course regardless. A "bottleneck" is a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason, with the exception of checkpoints.
- Racers may not cut to the inside of a white pole corner marker.
- If a racer leaves the course for any reason he must re-enter where he left the course.
- Racers may make repairs and otherwise receive mechanical assistance anywhere along the course from anyone. All such repairs and assistance must be made without causing interference with other acand be in a suitable area off the racetrack.
- Racers are permitted one battery change during the course of the race.
- Electronic transmittal of information, including radio communication to or from a moving bicycle, is prohibited.
- Data logging is permitted; however, the information may not be downloaded in real time from a moving bicycle. Information downloaded from the bicycle or racer may be reviewed by the Race Official at any time. Strava, Wahoo, Garmin or other app tracking programs are permitted.
- Reckless Riding. No racer may ride in such a manner as to endanger life or limb of other racers, officials or the public. Racers will be penalized for the reckless operation of their bicycle, including but not limited to the deliberate ramming, blocking or intentional contact with another racer, or for running into an official.
- Team Tactics are prohibited and include but are not limited to: altering the race course, marking the race course, blocking course lines, blocking racers, allowing another racer to pass in order to affect the outcome of the race, or exchanging bicycles in order for another racer to continue the race. Racers, team members or spectators involved will be penalized, including but not limited to disqualification, removal and/or suspension from GNCC.
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Persons whose appearance, conduct, associations or affiliations, on or off the track, deemed harmful or not conducive to the best interest of the sport or who exhibit conduct which is inappropriate, offensive, abrasive or in bad taste, may be excluded or suspended from GNCC at the discretion of the Race Director.
Participants engaged in any event, public appearance, media activity or any other situation relating to their participation in the series must refrain from intentional physical contact with any participant, inappropriate or profane language, fraud, and unsportsmanlike behavior. At the sole discretion of GNCC, participants who exhibit behaviors deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike, prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the sport, or detract from the enjoyment, appreciation or interests of the fans, sponsors or other supporters of the sport, may be penalized by monetary fine, docking of championship points, or both. Such penalties are not subject to protest or appeal.
- The race officially ends for all contestants at the completion of the lap in which the checkered flag is displayed to the overall winner.
- An Impound Area will be located adjacent to the Finish Area. Top finishers will be directed to Impound at the completion of the race to await post-race inspection and testing. Racers may request to test ride another competitor’s bicycle while in Impound in order to confirm bike eligibility. Bicycles may not be removed from Impound until directed by the race official.
- To be considered as having completed a lap, the racer must remain with his bicycle and with his helmet on at all times, and both racer and machine must cross the plane of the checkered flag under the racer’s own unaided ability. No credit will be given for any distance covered during which time the racer’s helmet was removed.
- Towing is not allowed. Racers whose disabled bicycles are towed back to the pit area by staff or otherwise, for any reason, are not eligible to return to competition. Any laps earned by a racer that returns to competition after receiving a tow back to the pit area will be removed. If a racer desires to repair their bicycle and return to the competition, they must decline the offer to tow their bicycle back to the pit area.
- Racers will be scored in order of their finish and number of laps completed. It is not necessary to complete all laps in order to receive a score.
- Podium Procedure: The following racers will be recognized on the podium: The Top 3 Overall, regardless of class, then Top 3 Pro (if different from the Overall) and Top 3 Amateur.
- Results: Racers have 20 minutes to finish the race after the overall winner takes the checkered flag. A racer may question the results within the 30-minute period following posting of the final results. After 30 minutes, awards will be given out and results will be final unless a protest is pending; provided, however, that the issuance of official results does not exempt racers who competed in the event from penalties for rules violations issued by GNCC Racing following the protest period.
- Impound: After the race, the top three overall racers, as well as any other racer requested by an official to do so, must leave their bicycle at a designated impound area until released by the official.
- Protests must be in writing and comply with the GNCC Protest Procedure. Racers may only protest matters regarding a class in which they were a registered competitor.
- Penalties will be assessed at the discretion of the Race Official based on the severity of the offense and may include one or more of the following: position(s), lap(s), time adjustment, disqualification, suspension, loss of championship points, fine and/or probation.
- Awards are given at the rate of 1 per 3 racers, with a minimum of 5 awards per class. To win an award, a racer must complete 50% of the laps of the class winner.
For the XC1 Class, national class ranking will be based on points earned in all 10 events and shall be consistent with the Overall National ranking, exclusive of racers in other classes. For all other classes, national class ranking will be determined by the racer’s best 7 finishes. A racer must enter a minimum of 7 events in order to be eligible for series awards and national class ranking.
Points will be earned in each class per event as follows:
1 – 20 | 5 – 16 | 9 – 12 | 13 – 8 | 17 – 4 |
2 – 19 | 6 – 15 | 10 – 11 | 14 – 7 | 18 – 3 |
3 – 18 | 7 – 14 | 11 – 10 | 15 – 6 | 19 – 2 |
4 – 17 | 8 – 13 | 12 – 9 | 16 – 5 | 20 – 1 |
Ties: Ties for the class championship will be broken by the most first place finishes, then by the best finish in the final race of the season if necessary. Ties for other class positions will be broken by the best finish in the final race of the season.
The electronic scoring system provides a complete overall race finish for each event. Points will be accumulated for National Number assignment and can be viewed as a gage toward overall ranking for the year.
National Numbers will be assigned based on overall finishes in a minimum of 7 events, with as many as 9 events counting. The minimum number of events does not have to be in the same class, but it must be in the same discipline.
National Number points will be earned based upon a 100 points scale per event.
Final National Numbers will be awarded to the top 20 overall first, regardless of number of events entered, then to remaining racers.
Ties: Ties in the top 20 National Numbers will be broken by the most first place overall finishes, then by the most second place overall finishes, etc., until the tie is broken. Ties for remaining national numbers will be broken by the higher overall finish in the final race of the season.
© 1999-2025 Racer Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
These rules are protected by copyright; unauthorized use constitutes copyright infringement and will be enforced.